Home » Stealing the Daily for a Mampilly Message

Stealing the Daily for a Mampilly Message

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Hellllo Bold Profits nation! Jaclyn here!

Paul is out filming a fun new project for you today. So, I’m stealing the opportunity to check in and say hey!

I don’t know about you, but this market has my neck hurting. I mean up, down, up, down, up!

I started going through our YouTube videos for guidance, and I found this:

bold profits daily paul mampilly

What a great message from Paul.

The stock market is exactly like a raging river. And you need a guide through the rapids.

That’s what our team does. Paul fearlessly leads on all things in the stock market. He even answers your questions in Bold Profits Daily and Profits Unlimited.

Amber offers a macro view of the markets and keeps us up to date on our big mega trends that relate to you.

Patrick, Daniel, Nick and Tamara will pop in to give America 2.0 updates and opportunities.

And Ian is the king for all things crypto, options, pot stocks and Tesla.

We’ve got you covered. But we couldn’t do it without YOU! You are our motivation to bring it every single day and be the best guides we can!

I want to make sure we’re keeping that bar high. And I want to hear from you. What topics do you need the most guidance on in today’s market?

Let me know here:

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Market Guides

What topics do you need the most guidance on in today's market?* Check as many as you need! Crypto. Cannabis. Mega trends. New technology. Weird future trends. Options. Dow 100K. IPOs. Small caps. All things America 2.0. Submit

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And don’t worry. Paul will be back for you next week with a new wand emojiBOLD …. wand emojiPROFITS …. wand emojiDAILY! (Imagine Paul’s magic wand ?)

Live long and prosper,

Jay Goldberg

Jaclyn Frakes-Jones

Your Friendly Neighborhood Managing Editor, Bold Profits Confidential

P.S. I talked to some of you in town while making our new Profits Unlimited documentary last night. And I loved your ideas! It got my wheels turning, so check back Saturday. I’m cooking something up for you for your Bold Profits Daily. And invite your friends that need guides! You can send this link here to add their emails for our free bold e-letter.

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